DC 57 Needs Apprentices!

The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) District Council 57 proudly offers a variety of programs to help people from all walks of life begin a career in the finishing trades. One of those programs is our Apprenticeship Program

At DC 57, we believe that anyone who wants to earn a career in the trades should be able to. That’s why we offer training and apprenticeships for a variety of trades.

We offer four different programs for our apprentices:

  • Industrial Painting
  • Commercial Painting/Wall Covering
  • Drywall Finishing
  • Architecture Glass and Metal

To learn more about our programs, please visit https://www.iupatdc57.org/program-overview/

With the IUPAT DC 57 apprenticeship training, you earn while you learn. That means that from day one of your apprenticeship, you can earn a substantial living while learning the techniques of your trade of choice, and become certified in many areas to ensure safety on job sites.

Our Programs

After completing your apprenticeship, you will make some of the highest-paying wages in the industry with regular pay increases. From the moment you sign up, our union will have your back throughout your career and beyond, thanks to our industry-leading benefits, pension, and retirement programs.

Take it from DC 57 4th-year glazier Marc Caputo – the difference is dramatic.

Graduating from Penn State with a degree in environmental studies, Marc worked in food service, bartended, serviced BMWs, and been a park ranger all before he found DC 57’s apprenticeship program. 

Marc quickly learned that with a union, everyone is there to help you. The solidarity and support of his brothers and sisters has made the difference to him. “It’s a group of like-minded individuals trying to get the best for themselves, as well as their colleagues.”

His apprenticeship with DC 57 gave Marc the building blocks he needed for a successful, secure career.

“I don’t think I’ve ever had benefits as good as these; wage reimbursement, health benefits, supplemental unemployment – there’s a lot going on behind the scenes that I didn’t even know existed.”

Each time we speak to a member who has gone through the Apprenticeship Program, they always have the same thing to say.

“If you have any inclination to do it, just do it. I don’t regret going to college, but I could have done slightly differently. If you have any doubts about traditional higher education, look into this. The apprenticeship program is fantastic.”
What are you waiting for? You can sign up today at https://www.iupatdc57.org/apprenticeship-information/


District Council 57 is an organization of over 2,500 members in Western Pennsylvania. We were formed in 1997 when Local Unions #6, #409, #530, #751, #2006, #479, #549, and #1968 were combined into one council. Our goal is to represent all of the men and women who wish to work at our trades in Western PA, to help them achieve a career with good wages, benefits, safety, and dignity in the workplace.