BM/ST Chris Geronimos Retires

DC 57 Business Manager Chris Geronimos has retired following five years as BM/ST and 40 years as a member of Local 6 and DC 57. Chris occupied many different offices during his time on staff, including organizing director and Local 6 service representative. As Business Manager he helped modernize the union’s operations, guided the District Council through the pandemic, and negotiated contracts that included record wages for many of our locals. His work ethic, attention to detail, and dedication to his union will be missed, but DC 57 wishes Chris a very well-deserved and fulfilling retirement. 

DC 57 Holiday party schedule

Retirees’ Christmas Party: Tuesday, December 5th at 11:00am (exec board meets at 10:30am) at IUPAT DC 57 Union Hall (101 Ewing Rd, Carnegie)

LU 6, 479, 751, and 2006:  Tuesday, December 12th at 7:00pm at the White Oak Athletic Association (Lower Heckman Rd, McKeesport)

LU 409: Thursday, December 14th at 7:00pm at the Castle Pub (122 N Center St, Ebensburg)

LU 530: Friday, December 15th at 7:00pm at the IBEW 712 Hall (217 Sassafras Ln, Beaver)

LU 549:  Saturday, December 9th  from 1:00-4:00pm at Lefty’s Bar (1248 Brown Ave, Erie)